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/suggestions/ <a href="/profile/ongezell"><span style="color: red;">!</span><a href="/profile/ongezell">ongezell</a> </a> <span class="admin-badge">ADMIN</span> 3/15/2024, 12:58 AM / Ends: 3/20/9999, 12:58 AM
if you have any suggestions in mind "Features & etc"
feel free to reply to this thread
Anonymous 3/15/2024, 1:49 AM
I saw the profile thing, can you link it? also, how can I create an account? I don't see any registration buttons, would be nice to have a little avatar next to the thread

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<a href="/profile/ongezell"><span style="color: red;">!</span><a href="/profile/ongezell">ongezell</a> </a> <span class="admin-badge">ADMIN</span> 3/15/2024, 1:58 AM
soon everyone will be able to create accounts, I still need to create a registration page lol

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<a href="/profile/ongezell"><span style="color: red;">!</span><a href="/profile/ongezell">ongezell</a> </a> <span class="admin-badge">ADMIN</span> 3/15/2024, 2:01 AM
edit area

Anonymous 3/15/2024, 2:47 AM
site wide catalog

Anonymous 3/15/2024, 2:55 AM
also, do u need to strip image metadata?

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<a href="/profile/ongezell"><span style="color: red;">!</span><a href="/profile/ongezell">ongezell</a> </a> <span class="admin-badge">ADMIN</span> 3/15/2024, 3:00 AM
like all posts in a single place?
I already do in a way but idk, there's not much to show with images besides the resolution
Tho I already split video/song metadata and I have all that stored, I just need to implement it in the front-end

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<a href="/profile/ongezell"><span style="color: red;">!</span><a href="/profile/ongezell">ongezell</a> </a> <span class="admin-badge">ADMIN</span> 3/15/2024, 3:53 AM

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<a href="/profile/ongezell"><span style="color: red;">!</span><a href="/profile/ongezell">ongezell</a> </a> <span class="admin-badge">ADMIN</span> 3/15/2024, 1:31 PM

Tabby 3/17/2024, 12:39 AM
Moar themes!!! piss era theme!! win 9x theme!! moar moar moar!

Tabby 3/17/2024, 12:40 AM
log doesnt have the reply images? i think?

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<a href="/profile/ongezell"><span style="color: red;">!</span><a href="/profile/ongezell">ongezell</a> </a> <span class="admin-badge">ADMIN</span> 3/17/2024, 2:54 AM
Sure thing Maya, I'll work on that in some days, dark mode will probably get removed because of that, it's just a hacky invert() thing anyway
The global catalog only shows the threads. those other posts there are from the test board

In other news I made a temporary shitty register page and now people can register

Anonymous 3/19/2024, 4:03 PM
oekaki board? https://boards.4chan.org/i/

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<a href="/profile/ongezell"><span style="color: red;">!</span><a href="/profile/ongezell">ongezell</a> </a> <span class="admin-badge">ADMIN</span> 3/19/2024, 8:03 PM
Board added, I`ll see about the built drawing thing tho

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<a href="/profile/TabbyGarf"><span style="color: red;">!</span><a href="/profile/TabbyGarf">TabbyGarf</a> </a> <span class="premium-badge">+</span> 3/20/2024, 6:45 PM
i love you you added the steam theme

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<a href="/profile/ongezell"><span style="color: red;">!</span><a href="/profile/ongezell">ongezell</a> </a> <span class="admin-badge">ADMIN</span> 3/20/2024, 7:33 PM
I'll add a windows 9x theme soon too, hopefully

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<a href="/profile/TabbyGarf"><span style="color: red;">!</span><a href="/profile/TabbyGarf">TabbyGarf</a> </a> <span class="premium-badge">+</span> 3/20/2024, 10:40 PM
u should probably put the three last replies, not the three first

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<a href="/profile/TabbyGarf"><span style="color: red;">!</span><a href="/profile/TabbyGarf">TabbyGarf</a> </a> <span class="premium-badge">+</span> 3/20/2024, 10:40 PM
in da board when u browse

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<a href="/profile/ongezell"><span style="color: red;">!</span><a href="/profile/ongezell">ongezell</a> </a> <span class="admin-badge">ADMIN</span> 3/21/2024, 5:56 PM

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<span style="color: red;">!</span><a href="/profile/flowerdogtan">flowerdogtan</a> 9/11/2024, 2:45 PM
i really like your sites...